Increasing digitalization brought about by cloud-based technologies is reshaping the nature of higher education. The shift to online learning presents immediate challenges to the norm of pedagogy. As educators, we may be asking questions: How do I transition from lectures to shorter segments of learning? How can I maintain engagement in the virtual learning space?
This course is an exploration of project-based learning (PBL) as a successful tool for student engagement and content delivery in an online classroom. Your curriculum modifications will still adhere to the learning objectives of your course content. These adjustments will enrich your interaction with your students in ways that are otherwise limited by traditional assignments.
Digital technology has also globalized the work environment, which has seen a focal move from distinct managerial positions to the formation of teams and pods within teams. Successful organizations are witnessing the merits of assessing the expertise of each team member, as well as balancing the individual strengths and areas of growth within a group. You may find that the strategies you implement in the PBL process will equip your learners with the critical thinking and communication skill sets needed for future career paths.
Join me as we embark on a tour of project-based learning. You will design projects within your discipline; guide your students to meaningful team-building practices; manage their schedule of deliverables, and facilitate their final presentations.
Course Learning Outcomes :
By authentically engaging with the information, activities, and assessments in the course, and through vulnerable participation in the Qedex community, you will:
This course will take you between 2-3 hours to complete, with an additional 2 hours for additional reading if you want to explore the subject in more depth.