This course will help you to consider, deliver and evaluate a digital strategy for your institution. You will learn how to work within existing organisational structures and cultures to secure internal buy-in, to create an environment that allows effective and dynamic digital transformation and provides a return on investment.
Course Aims:
- To develop your ability to think strategically about digital transformation
- To build your confidence in applying digital strategy effectively and immediately
- To enhance your ability to measure and sustain digital transformation
An effective digital strategy has never been more important for Higher Education institutions. Digital transformation has enabled universities to improve outcomes while making cost savings through increased operational efficiency, and as more institutions begin to define and implement their digital strategies, it is imperative for those working in the Higher Education sector to be able to think strategically, to develop action plans for digitising services and to ensure that their teams achieve successful outcomes.
This course will take you approximately 6 hours to complete. A learner who explores the material in more depth will take approximately 7 hours and a learner who skims the course content will take 3 hours.